NV Diamond Plates
The nitrogen-vacancy (NV) center in diamond is used for detection of local magnetic or electric fields and/or temperature. Depending on use case and required sensitivity, different designs of diamond plates containing NV centers can be produced. NVs can be distributed throughout the entire volume of a diamond plate or with preferentially distribution within nano- or micrometer thick layers near diamond surfaces. The nitrogen content in the host diamond sample plays an important role in the NV quantum characteristics. HPHT or CVD synthesized plates containing the lowest concentration of nitrogen (< ~5 ppb) are used to reach ultimate sensitivity and spatial resolution. HPHT synthesized diamond plates containing 100-300 ppm of nitrogen provide affordable solutions for less demanding sensing applications. Adámas currently provides two lines of NV diamond plates products: Type Ib HPHT plates with NVs distributed throughout the entire plate volume and Type II CVD plates or HPHT plates with about 0.5 um NV layer near one of the plate surface. Plates of different sizes are available.
More Technical Details
Plates with NV Distributed Through Entire Volume
Plates with Micro-shallow NV Layers Near Surface
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