Recent News
September 2024
Dr. Torelli presented a talk "Next-generation fluorescent nanodiamond for biological quantum sensing" at NIH Quantum Sensing Interest Group: https://oir.nih.gov/sigs/qis-quantum-sensing-biology-interest-group on October 28th, 2024.
See also NIH Quantum Biomedical Innovations and Technologies (Qu-BIT) Program website https://ncats.nih.gov/research/research-activities/quantum
October 2024
Dr. Torelli presented a talk "Next-generation fluorescent nanodiamond for biological quantum sensing" at NIH Quantum Sensing Interest Group:
https://oir.nih.gov/sigs/qis-quantum-sensing-biology-interest-group on October 28th, 2024.See also NIH Quantum Biomedical Innovations and Technologies (Qu-BIT) Program website:
https://ncats.nih.gov/research/research-activities/quantumSeptember 2024
Adamas was recently awarded a patent 12,031,072 on METHOD OF PRODUCING FLUORESCENT DIAMOND PARTICLES
Olga Shenderova and Marco Torelli participated in UK-US Perspectives and Partnerships in Quantum Sensors for Life Sciences In-person Workshop, September 9, 2024, Washington DC.
April 2024
Dr. Nicholas Nunn presented “Surface Modification of Fluorescent Nanodiamond for Quantum Sensing ” at the Materials Research Society (MRS) Conference Seattle, WA (April 24, 2024)
Dr. Nicholas Nunn presented “Fluorescent Diamond Particles for Bioimaging and Quantum Sensing ” at the Materials Research Society (MRS) Conference Seattle, WA (April 24, 2024)
Dr. Nicholas Nunn presented ” Spin Properties of NV Centers in HPHT Synthesized Microcrystalline Diamond Particles with Reduced Nitrogen Content ” at the Materials Research Society (MRS) Conference Seattle, WA (April 24, 2024)
We would like to recognize Zachary McKinnon, Chase Raupp, Jackie Oates, and Justin Dhillion from NC State who won first prize for their development of a prototype magnetic modulation subsystem for Aadamas though the Electrical and Computer Engineering Senior Design Program. Congratulations!
September 2023
Marco Torelli presented “Fluorescent Diamond Particles for Quantum Imaging & Sensing” at Biopharm America. Learn More
July 2023
Dr.Shenderova presented a plenary lecture “Fluorescent diamond particles for imaging and sensing” at the World Conference on Carbon, Carbon 2023, in Cancun, Mexico, July 19th
April 2023
Adamas in collaboration with the University of California, Berkeley (Dr. Ashok Ajoy) and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Dr. Deepti Tanjore) was awarded an SBIR Phase II grant from the US Department of Energy for development of “Optical NMR using Diamond Quantum Sensing for Imaging Metabolic Processes in Live Cells.”
March 2023
“Clot Imaging Using Photostable Nanodiamond,” a paper led by Samuel Francis, Duke University and Marco Torelli, Adamas nanotechnology was published in Nanomaterials. The article may be found at https://www.mdpi.com/2079-4991/13/6/961.
January 2023
Adamas participated in NIH’s virtual workshop “Near-term Applications of Quantum Sensing Technologies in Biomedical Sciences.” The goal was to identify unique and timely opportunities in developing quantum sensing and quantum enabled sensing technology applications in biological and biomedical domains including stakeholders from industry, academia, government research labs, and funding agencies.
November 2022:
Adamas is a part of a multi-country project “Fluorescent nano-agents for super-resolution imaging and sensing (FLORIN)” funded by Horizon Europe – the Framework Programme for Research and Innovation.
September 2022:
Adamas in collaboration with the University of California, Berkeley (Dr. Ashok Ajoy), NCSU (Dr. Alex Smirnov) and College of Staten Island, CUNY (Dr. Alexandre Zaitsev) was awarded an R01 grant from the NIGMS, NIH for development of “Photo-hyperpolarized 13C MRI”.
September 2022:
Adamas in collaboration with the Debina Diagnostics, Inc was awarded an SBIR Phase I grant from the US Centers of Disease Control and Prevention for development of “Ultrasensitive Lateral Flow Assays Enabled by Fluorescent Nanodiamond Labels”.
August 2022:
Paramagnetic and Fluorescent defects in microcrystalline diamond, a paper led by Nicholas Nunn, was published in the Journal of Applied Physics
July 2022:
Adamas in collaboration with Rivis, Inc was awarded an SBIR grant from the US Department of Energy for development of “Atmospheric Pressure Plasma Functionalization of Nanodiamond Particles”
May 2022:
A representative from Adamas presented at Symposium NM05—Advances in Nanodiamonds for Sensing, Biomedical and Other Novel Applications at the Spring MRS conference May 8-10, 2022, Honolulu, Hawai (link https://www.mrs.org/meetings-events/spring-meetings-exhibits/2022-mrs-spring-meeting/symposium-sessions/symposium-sessions-detail/2022_mrs_spring_meeting/nm05).
April 2022:
Adamas in collaboration with the CUNY – City College of New York (Dr. Carlos Meriles) and Argonne National Laboratory was awarded an STTR phase I grant from the US Department of Energy for development of “Color-center-hosting diamond probes for precision scanning microscopy.” Congratulations to the team!
April 2022:
Adamas was awarded a North Carolina SBIR/STTR Phase I Matching Funds Program Grant as well as a NC Small Business Incentive Grant Program grant from North Carolina Department of Commerce. Congratulations to the team!
March 2022:
Adamas is a part of NSF GOALI award “GOALI: Exploiting dark spins for color-center-based nanoscale sensing and imaging” as an industrial partner for CUNY – City College of New York (Dr. Carlos Meriles, PI).
March 2022:
Adamas in collaboration with the University of California, Berkeley (Dr. Ashok Ajoy) was awarded an SBIR grant from the US Department of Energy for development of “Optical NMR using Diamond Quantum Sensing for Imaging Metabolic Processes in Live Cells.” Congratulations to the team!
March 2022:
Beauty beyond the Eye: Color Centers in Diamond Particles, a review article led by Nicholas Nunn, was published at Reviews and Advances in Chemistry
January 2022:
Luminescent Diamond: Optically Driven Quantum Sensors, a book chapter led by Nicholas Nunn, was published in Luminescent Nanomaterials
November 2021:
Dr. Olga Shenderova is an invited speaker for the 2021 MRS Fall Meeting and Exhibit, taking place from November 28th to December 3rd, 2021. The conference will be held in person in Boston and online.
October 2021:
The Virtual Lecture Series continues on October 28th with Professor Meriles’ talk titled “Optical activation and detection of charge transport between individual color centers in room-temperature diamond”. We look forward to this great speaker on October 28th at noon ET! Join us by signing up at: https://www.adamasnano.com/virtual-lecture-series-on-nanodiamond/
September 2021:
Adamas and NCSU were awarded an NIH Phase I SBIR grant for their Nanodiamond Quantum Sensors for Free Radical Detection. Principle investigators are Dr. Marco Torelli (Adamas) and professor Alex Smirnov (NCSU). Congratulations to Marco, Alex, and their teams!
September 2021:
A paper led by Dr. Giora Feuerstein, Debina Diagnostics, Inc, has been published online at Nanotechnology, Science and Applications. Adamas is proud to be a part of the paper.
September 2021:
The Virtual Lecture Series returns with Professor Jackman’s talk titled “Recent Experiences with Nanodiamond at UCL: from Biotechnology to Electronics”. We are excited to have this wonderful speaker on September 30th at noon ET! Join us by signing up at: https://www.adamasnano.com/virtual-lecture-series-on-nanodiamond/
September 2021:
Dr. Olga Shenderova is an invited speaker for Elsevier’s International Conference on Diamond and Carbon Materials 2021. The conference will be held online at from September 6th to 9th.
September 2021:
A paper led by Dr. Giora Feuerstein, Debina Diagnostics, Inc, has been published online at Nanotechnology, Science and Applications. Adamas is proud to be a part of the paper.
July 2021:
To make it easier to find fluorescent nanodiamond products on the website, we have placed Red, Green, and Multicolor FND on separate pages. We are also excited to announce that we will soon be expanding our green FND product line with more functionalizations in August. Please let us know if you have any questions!
July 2021:
Dr. Olga Shenderova was a plenary speaker for the 65th Annual Conference of the South African Institute of Physics (SAIP), which was hosted by the North-West University from 22 to 30 July 2021 in a virtual format.
June 2021:
A paper led by Dr. Ashok Ajoy “Background-free dual-mode optical and 13C magnetic resonance imaging in diamond particles” has been published online at PNAS. Adamas is proud to be a part of the paper. The paper reports on the dual-mode contrast agents based on diamond particles engineered with a high-density of quantum defects that under optical excitation fluoresce brightly, while concurrently inducing the hyperpolarization of 13C nuclei in the surrounding diamond lattice that also make them bright in MRI.
June 2021:
A paper led by Dr. Ashok Ajoy “Background-free dual-mode optical and 13C magnetic resonance imaging in diamond particles” has been published online at PNAS. Adamas is proud to be a part of the paper. Optical and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) offer complimentary advantages of resolution, speed, and depth of penetration critical to clinical applications. The paper reports on the dual-mode contrast agents based on diamond particles engineered with a high-density of quantum defects that under optical excitation fluoresce brightly, while concurrently inducing the hyperpolarization of 13C nuclei in the surrounding diamond lattice that also make them bright in MRI. The combination of fluorescence and optically induced 13C hyperpolarization provides a powerful synergy for the two otherwise disparate methods, promising clinical advances in the detection of small cancerous lesions deep in tissue with accelerated image acquisition in wide-field scenarios.
May 2021:
We were excited to have Professor Hamers deliver his lecture on the one-year anniversary of the lecture series! His talk on “Controlling and Manipulating the Surface Chemistry of Diamond” is now available online. Our deepest thanks to him and all of the wonderful speakers this past year.May 2021: We have developed green fluorescent NDs with significantly improved spectral purity: the product is practically depleted of NV centers. The product is sold as biotinylated particles: NDNVN120nmSpPubiotin2mg.
May 2021:
If you want to learn more about functionalized fluorescent nanodiamond, we now have a short video on the material: https://adamasnano.com/functionalized-fluorescent-bioprobes/ Let us know what you think!
April 2021:
2 new bioconjugated products are now available: 120 nm biotinylated green fluorescent nanodiamond and 100 nm Red FND aminated with ethylenediamine, which can be found on the Bioconjugated FND product page.February 2021: Material from Adámas was used for creation of multifunctional smart fabrics with enhanced material properties compared to polyaniline alone.February 2021: 15% Sale on FND conjugated with biotin (100 nm), Goat AntiRabbit and Goat AntiMouse Antibody until April 1stJanuary 2021: A new product, highly boron doped (2wt.% of B) micron-sized diamond particles powder, is available for purchase. Particles are synthesized by bottom-up high pressure high temperature (HPHT) synthesis. If interested, contact us for more details.
December 2020:
Adamas is part of the paper “Fluorescent and Electron-Dense Green Color Emitting Nanodiamonds for Single-Cell Correlative Microscopy” published in Molecules as part of the Special Issue Advances in Photonic Materials by a team of researchers from Åbo Akademi University.
December 2020:
Congratulations to Dr. Marco Torelli for 2nd place in oral presentations among Young Investigators at NM01 Nanodiamonds Symposium, Virtual MRS Fall meeting,
December 2020:
Marco presented work “Clot Imaging Using Photostable Fluorescent Nanodiamond” done in collaboration with researchers from Duke University Medical Center.
December 2020:
Dr. Philipp Reineck gave a talk titled “Not all nanodiamonds are created equal: from material properties to applications in biology” as part of the Virtual Lecture Series.
December 2020:
A team of researchers from University College London recently published an exciting paper on spin-enhanced nanodiamond biosensing for ultrasensitive diagnostics. The material used in the paper was produced by Adamas.
November 2020:
A team led by Giora Feuerstein recently published an exciting paper on a novel use of Fluorescent Nanodiamond Particles produced by Adamas to Detect Ebola Virus Glycoprotein in Lateral Flow Assay.
November 2020:
Professor Peter Pauzauskie gave a talk on “High-pressure, high-temperature molecular doping of nanodiamond” as part of the Virtual Lecture Series.
October 2020:
Professor Oliver Williams gave a talk on “Nanostructured diamond and size effects” as part of the Virtual Lecture Series.
September 2020:
Adamas chief scientist Olga Shenderova is a coauthor on the paper Near Infrared Fluorescence from Silicon and Nickel Based Color Centers in HPHT diamond particles, produced by an international team.
September 2020:
Professor Petr Cigler gave a talk on “Molecular transducers for spin-sensitive optical sensing using nitrogen-vacancy centers” as part of the Virtual Lecture Series.
September 2020:
Nanodiamond-stabilized Pickering Emulsions Adamas is proud to be a part of the paper published in the Journal of Colloid And Interface Science by our colleagues from North Carolina State University on Nanodiamond-stabilized Pickering Emulsions. This paper paves a way for new nanodiamond application in drug delivery and cosmetics.
September 8th, 2020:
Hyperpolarization of Nanodiamond Paper Published Our paper entitled Enhanced optical 13C hyperpolarization in diamond treated by high temperature rapid thermal annealing Was peer-reviewed and published in Advanced Quantum Technologies.
July 27th, 2020:
Adamas Nanotechnologies received a subcontract from Rivis, Inc. for a Phase II SBIR contract from the Army. Under the subcontract Adamas will develop the treatment of nanodiamond particles using an atmospheric pressure plasma system. Surface functionalization at room temperature as well as deposition will be established. Inquiries regarding an atmospheric pressure plasma system designed specifically to treat particles are encouraged.Prior work: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.diamond.2006.06.003 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.diamond.2007.07.016
July 27th, 2020:
Adamas was issued a new US patent 10,723,944: “Fluorescent Diamond Particles”Adamas received a Notice of Allowance from the Patent Office on the Application Number: 14/614,010, “Nanocarbon Particle Based Fuel Additive”. The patent is centered around nanodiamonds ability to increase fuel efficiency.
July 27th, 2020:
Adamas is proud to be a part of the paper published in the Journal of Colloid And Interface Science by our colleagues from North Carolina State University on Nanodiamond-stabilized Pickering Emulsions. This paper paves a way for new nanodiamond application in drug delivery and cosmetics.
July 26th, 2020:
The International Workshop on Nanocarbon Photonics and Optoelectronics (NPO2020) 26-31 July 2020 in Polvijarvi, Finland has been canceled. We wish all the best to the organizers and hope to see them next year!
July 22nd, 2020:
We have new 15 and 20 nm products available in 500 and 1000 mL quantities for our customers looking for small particle size detonation nanodiamonds. Order directly through the website or request a quote! https://www.adamasnano.com/nanodiamond-suspensions-10-80-nm/
June 29th, 2020:
The South African Institute of Physics Conference from 29 June to 3 July 2020 in Potchefstroom, South Africa has been cancelled. Please stay safe and informed during these difficult times. Web: http://events.saip.org.za/conferenceDisplay.py?confId=206
June 9th 2020:
Our paper, “High Temperature Treatment of Diamond Particles Toward Enhancement of Their Quantum Properties,” was published recently. Take a look!
May 21st through June 25th 2020:
We are proud to have completed this series of real-time lectures on cutting-edge nanodiamond research. The recorded videos of lectures given by wonderful experts in the field are available online.
April 14th, 2020:
The upcoming MRS conference in Phoenix, Arizona, April 14-16th has ben cancelled. Please stay safe in these difficult times. NM01 Nanodiamonds Symposium.
April 3rd, 2020:
Dr. Marco Torelli gave a digital talk, “Targeted nanodiamond for the detection of unpaired electron spin in biological systems, at Pines’ seminar series at the University of Berkeley by invitation of Dr. Ashok Ajoy on April 3, 2020. The talk gathered a prominent audience. Part of the talk is available online related to the targeting aspects of nanodiamonds: Targeted Nanodiamond In Biological Systems
March 26th, 2020:
To our customers and collaborators, We wanted to assure you that we are fully operational (as of March 26th), while maintaining social distancing and recommended CDC safety precautions at Adamas. We hope you are staying safe in these difficult times.
February 19th, 2020:
For customers who wish to test a variety of our available sizes, we have created a Fluorescent Nanodiamond Kit of four 1 mL bottles of FND samples of four different sizes. Please contact us with the specific sizes you are interested in when making the purchase.
January 24th, 2020:
Processing methods developed by Adámas scientists improve the capability for optical hyperpolarization of 13C in diamond, as recently published: High temperature annealing enhanced diamond 13C hyperpolarization at room temperature. The results open the capability of diamond as a dual-mode fluorescence/magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) probe.
January 24th, 2020:
Adámas scientists have found conditions to improve the sensitivity of diamond fluorescence to external magnetic fields by 4x. This improvement can have great implications for sensing applications (e.g. magnetometry at the cellular level). Be on the lookout for an upcoming manuscript!
January 9th, 2020:
Our paper, “Toward production of diamond particles with improved fluorescence uniformity,” was published recently. Take a look!
December 30th, 2019:
Adding ND to Polymers. We have a new knowledge base addition on How to Introduce ND to Polymers without Agglomeration.
October 24th, 2019:
For the Autumn season starting October 21st, Adámas will be running a series of promotions on a number of products. Our sale this week is our 200 mL Blueseeds product for CVD seeding. Take a look through the link below! https://www.adamasnano.com/seeding-for-cvd-films/
October 16th, 2019:
For the Autumn season starting October 21st, Adámas will be running a series of promotions on a number of products. Our first sale is for secondary antibody (goat anti-rabbit) functionalized fluorescent nanodiamond. Take a look at this photostable, non-toxic fluorophore to label your primary antibodies! https://www.adamasnano.com/bioconjugated-fluorescent-bioprobes/
September 26th, 2019:
Optical and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) offer complimentary advantages of resolution, speed, and depth of penetration critical to clinical applications. Adamas scientist Dr. Olga Shenderova is a coauthor on the paper High contrast dual-mode optical and 13C magnetic resonance imaging in diamond particles lead by researchers from University of California Berkeley https://arxiv.org/abs/1909.08064. The paper reports on the dual-mode contrast agents based on diamond particles engineered with a high-density of quantum defects that under optical excitation fluoresce brightly, while concurrently inducing the hyperpolarization of 13C nuclei in the surrounding diamond lattice that also make them bright in MRI. The combination of fluorescence and optically induced 13C hyperpolarization provides a powerful synergy for the two otherwise disparate methods, promising clinical advances in the detection of small cancerous lesions deep in tissue with accelerated image acquisition in wide-field scenarios.
September 15th, 2019:
Our new D-Tribo website, dtribo.adamasnano.com, is dedicated to nanolubricant formulations. Take a look if you have a need for improved performance between mechanical components.
August 15th, 2019:
Debina Diagnostic and its collaborator’s work “Biocompatibility studies of fluorescent diamond particles -(NV) 800nm (part V): in vitro kinetics and in vivo localization in rat liver following long-term exposure” is a very important step in using these reagents for small animal studies. We were proud to provide material and support for this vital work.
July 15th, 2019:
Our review article A Perspective on Fluorescent Nanodiamond Bioimaging has been published in Small.
July 1st, 2019:
Dr. Olga Shenderova of Adamas delivered an invited talk at the ACNS’2019 14th International Conference on Advanced Carbon NanoStructures in Saint-Petersburg, Russia.
June 6th, 2019:
Our article “Brilliant blue, green, yellow, and red fluorescent diamond particles: synthesis, characterization, and multiplex imaging demonstrations” has been published in Nanoscale .We are taking preorders for 100 nm nanodiamonds with yellow fluorescence (combination of red NV centers and green NVN centers) within individual particles. Please contact us at info@adamasnano.com
May 30th, 2019:
Our article From Fancy Blue to Red: Controlled Production of a Vibrant Color Spectrum of Fluorescent Diamond Particles has been published in Advanced Functional Materials and highlighted on the frontispiece.
May 29th, 2019:
Adamas in Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology. Our review article Synthesis, properties, and applications of fluorescent diamond particles has been published in the Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B and highlighted on the cover page.
May 14th, 2019:
Adámas received a new patent: U.S. Patent 10,287,495, Issued May 14, 2019, Photoluminescent nanodiamond material.
May 8th, 2019:
Adamas participated in the 8th South African Conference on Photonic Materials.Olga Shenderova delivered an invited talk Fluorescent Diamond Particles: Synthesis, Properties, and Applications at the 8th South African Conference on Photonic Materials (SACPM2019) that took place on 6 10 May 2019 at Kariega Game Reserve, South Africa http://events.saip.org.za/event/SACPM2019. It was an incredible experience of being exposed to African nature and culture. The warm hospitality of the SACPM2019 organizers is highly appreciated.
April 20th, 2019:
Adamas successfully completed the NIH I-Corps program to explore market needs that can be addressed by diamond’s photostability. Stay tuned for application-specific updates!March 8th and 12th, 2019: Adámas received two new patents:U.S. Patent 10,226,406, Issued March 12, 2019, Light Attenuating Formulations andU.S. Patent Notice of Allowance March 8, 2019, Fluorescent Diamond ParticlesJan 20, 2019: Adamas was accepted into the innovative I-Corps Program.
Jan 11, 2019:
Adámas researchers in collaboration with Duke University demonstrated the conjugation and targeting of vascular endothelial growth factor receptors (VEGF-R) by conjugation of VEGF. Details are presented in Bioconjugate Chemistry: Targeting Fluorescent Nanodiamonds to Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Receptors in Tumor.
Adamas participates in NSF “Quantum Leap and Growing Convergent Research” program. Adamas participates in the QISENET (Quantum Information Science and Engineering: Building triplets to Bridge Academia and Industry) sponsored by NSF within Quantum Leap and Growing Convergent Research. Adamas is an Industrial Partner for the University of Wisconsin in this program.
Adamas Awarded NC Small Business Grant The One North Carolina Small Business Program awarded Adámas a $50k matching grant in relation to the Phase I SBIR grant from the NCI.
Adamas Awarded Phase I SBIR: Adamas and its collaborators have been awarded a Phase I SBIR from NIH’s National Cancer Institute for development of Fluorescent Nanodiamonds for Multiplexed Longitudinal Imaging and Diagnostics in cancer angiogenesis.
Adamas was awarded a contract from the National Institute of Health in 2016 to further refine fluorescent nanodiamond technology and produce nanodiamonds functionalized with proteins and antibodies. The contract was successfully completed in 2018.
Check out the new Applications page. 10 nanodiamond application areas are detailed with reference to appropriate products and related literature.
Adamas has introduced a new line of products – ND functionalized with alkyl chains of varying length (DND-Alkyl). Hydrocarbon modified NDs provide colloidal stability in hydrophobic and non-polar solvents, including chloroform, hexanes, toluene, xylene, and dichloromethane, as well as organic electrolytes.
Researchers at Drexel University recently demonstrated that octadecylamine (ODA) modified nanodiamonds suppressed dendrite formation in a lithium-ion battery, significantly improving safety (Nature Communications). Contact us for availability of ND-ODA
Two review articles written by Adamas researchers have been recently published – N. Nunn, et al., Nanodiamond: A high impact nanomaterial, Current Opin. Sol. State Mater. Sci, 21 (1), p.1-9 (2017) and N. Nunn, et al., Toward a golden standard in single digit detonation nanodiamond. Phys. Stat. Solidi A (2016), 213 (8), 2138-2145.
As a part of NIH SBIR efforts, intravenously administered diamonds were easily detected in the spleen of mice using whole body imaging (IVIS, Duke University).
Hydroxylated, fully deagglomerated, single-digit 5nm detonation nanodiamond has been produced for the first time. Inquire for availability.
Click chemistry active nanodiamond for facile antibody conjugation has been demonstrated through NIH SBIR efforts, with a focus on strategies for stability in biological media.
Researchers recently demonstrated megasonic assisted chemical mechanical polishing is a feasible method to improve polishing efficiency and surface quality (Ultrasonics 80 (2017) 914). Contact us for availability of slurries of narrow size distributions of nanodiamond particles as small as 5nm.
Adamas was selected to present at the CED Tech Venture Conference in Raleigh NCon September 13th-14th, on the use of nanodiamonds in Life Science and Industrial applications. http://cednc.org/TVC
Recent technical advancements as of July 2016: scaled up production of 10nm ND-NV; production of 20-100 nm ND-NV with more than double the brightness of previous FND; production of hydrogenated ND-NV.
Olga Shenderova and Nicholas Nunn participated in the Materials Research Society Meeting in Phoenix, March 2016. Olga delivered an invited talk on fluorescent nanodiamonds and Nick delivered a talk on a gold standard in single-digit nanodiamond particles.
Adamas participated in the NIH Commercialization Acceleration Program (CAP) FeedForward Sessions East Coast on March 14th, 2016, Washington, DC.
Adamas exhibited at the TechConnect World Innovation Summit.
Dr. Olga Shenderova taught a short course on Nanodiamond synthesis, characterization and applications on September 10th, 2015 at IVS, Weizmann Institute of Science.
Drs. Gary McGuire and Olga Shenderova delivered a Plenary lecture on Nanodiamond particles at Israel Vacuum Society (IVS) on September 9th, 2015 at Weizmann Institute of Science Israel Vacuum Society.
August, 2015:
Adámas Nanotechnologies, Inc was awarded a $1.5 M Phase II SBIR contract from the National Institute of Health.
Adamas was selected to participate in the Innovation (Demo) Room at this year’s CED Life Science Conference, held March 3-4, 2015 at the Raleigh Convention Center CED Life Science Page
Dr. Olga Shenderova gave an invited talk titled Brilliant Nanodiamond Particles at the MRS conference in Boston in the first week of December.
November 12, 2014:
Dr. Olga Shenderova and Dr. Gary McGuire of Adámas received the prestigious Albert Nerken award for their achievements in nanodiamond research and development of applications at the American Vacuum Society (AVS) 61st International Symposium & Exhibition (AVS-61)
September 22, 2014:
Adamas presented results of its development of fluorescent nanodiamonds based on SBIR Phase I contract from National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute (NHLBI) at the NHLBI Regional Innovation Conference Southeast
September 15, 2014:
(NEW PRODUCT): Adamas produced 10nm fluorescent nanodiamonds containing nitrogen-vacancy centers which are now available for purchase
Previous Invited Talks:
November 2014: Materials Research Society Fall Meeting, Symposium S Diamond Electronics and Biotechnology Fundamentals to Applications VII, Boston
July 13-18, 2014: XII International Conference on Nanostructured Materials (NANO 2014), Moscow, Russia
28 July- 1 August, 2014: The Fourth International Workshop on Nanocarbon Photonics and Optoelectronics, North Karelia, Finland
May 25-29, 2014: New Diamond and Nano Carbons Conference (NDNC 2014) Chicago, Illinois
September 2013: 4th Int. Symp. on Surface and Interface of Biomaterials” Rome
21-23 November 2012: NanotechItaly 2012, International Showcase for Nanotechnologies, Venice
August 2012: XXI International Materials Research Congress, Cancun, Mexico
August 2012: 3rd Workshop on Nanocarbon Photonics and Optolectronics (NPO2012), Finland
June 2012: Argon National Laboratory
July 4-8, 2011: Joint International Conference Advanced Carbon Nanostructures ACN’2011, St Petersburg, Russia
2011: IMRS Symposium Diamond Devices, Cancun
2010: Stuttgart University, Germany
2010: European Materials Research Society 2010 Spring Meeting, Strasbourg
2010: Harvard University, USA
2010: Drexel University, Philadelphia, USA