Adámas Nanotechnologies

Brilliant Diamond Solutions

Founded in 2010, Adámas specializes in nanodiamond particles and their applications. Our wide range of nanodiamond products is backed by over 25 patents. We are dedicated to advancing science and technology, offering innovative nanodiamond products to support new discoveries. Meet our team and learn more about us below.

Executive Team

  • Dr. Olga Shenderova (founder)

    President, CTO

  • Dr. Gary McGuire (founder)

    Director of Business Development

  • Dr. Kevin Smith

    Director of Marketing

  • Mary Eberle

    Chief Financial Officer, Treasurer, Corporate Secretary

Technical and Administrative Team

  • Dr. Nicholas Nunn

    Diamond Processing Team Leader

  • Dr. Marco Torelli

    Chemist, Head of Life Sciences Group

  • Dr. Tony Marek

    Senior Scientist

  • Victoria Panasenko


  • Jules Stover

    Website Development Intern

Why Adamas?

Adámas is a leader in nanodiamond technology, with over 25 patents and 200+ scientific articles. Trusted by customers in over 50 countries for more than a decade, we have a proven track record in both biomedical and industrial applications.


Our vision is to lead the world in the innovation and development of ultra-small quantum sensor technology and revolutionizing industries through groundbreaking advancements.


  • Deep knowledge of processing and applications of nanodiamond particles

  • Provides quantum-grade fluorescent nanodiamonds for sensing applications

  • Quantum sensing instrumentation to provide full end-user solutions coming soon

  • Close engagement with customers to address their specific needs